2024 Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest for Students & Entrepreneurs (€ 4,000+ cash prize).

2024 Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest for Students & Entrepreneurs (€ 4,000+ cash prize).

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The Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest is an annual competition organized by the Peter Drucker Society Europe, in partnership with the Drucker Forum. Named after Peter Drucker, a renowned management thinker and educator, the essay contest aims to engage young people around the world in exploring and addressing pressing societal and management challenges.

The contest invites young professionals and students aged 18-35 to submit essays on topics related to management, leadership, innovation, and social responsibility. Each year, the essay prompt revolves around a specific theme inspired by the principles and teachings of Peter Drucker, such as entrepreneurship, sustainability, digital transformation, or ethical leadership.

Participants are encouraged to provide insightful analysis, innovative ideas, and practical solutions to the challenges posed by the essay prompt. Essays are evaluated based on criteria such as originality, clarity of thought, depth of analysis, relevance to the theme, and potential impact. Winners are selected by a panel of judges comprising experts from academia, business, and civil society.

The Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest offers participants the opportunity to showcase their writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and knowledge of management and leadership principles. It also provides a platform for young people to contribute their perspectives and ideas to important global conversations on the future of organizations, society, and the economy.

Winners of the essay contest receive various prizes, including cash awards, participation in the annual Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna, Austria, and publication of their essays in the Drucker Challenge book. Additionally, participants benefit from networking opportunities, mentorship, and exposure to thought leaders and practitioners in the field of management and leadership.

The Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest serves as a catalyst for fostering creativity, innovation, and collaboration among young professionals and students worldwide. By encouraging dialogue and debate on key issues facing organizations and society, the contest honors Peter Drucker’s legacy and inspires the next generation of leaders to drive positive change and innovation in the world.

The Global Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest is an international essay competition held annually by the Drucker Society Europe, in conjunction with the Drucker Forum. The Challenge explores a current topic in management – typically related to the theme of the Forum – in the context of Peter Drucker’s human-oriented management philosophy.

Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest

Requirements For The Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest

  • The Challenge is open to students (Bachelors, Masters, MBA, and PhD) and young professionals, 18 to 35 years old (inclusive of both ages)

General Requirements

  • You must be 18-35 years old (inclusive of both ages)
  • You are not a Drucker Challenge Laureate, nor have you participated in the Drucker Forum in this capacity before).
    I.e. You are not a former winner/runner up/finalist of the Drucker Challenge.> if you were previously a student (as per your application form) and are now embarking on a career at a university;

    > if you were previously a student (according to your application form) and meanwhile moved on to become a manager or entrepreneur

Essay category requirements

  • You can submit one essay to participate as either a student or manager or entrepreneur. (Please mention your main occupation in the submission form)

Student Category

  • You are a part-time or full-time student (Bachelors, Masters, MBA, or PhD) or you are seeking your first opportunity after the completion of your last degree

Professional category

You are a

  • manager of people, projects, budgets, and/or processes
  • an entrepreneur or business owner
  • licensed professional
  • social volunteer or community leader


The prizes are as follows:

  • First Place (Gold): € 2.000
  • Second Place (Silver) € 1.200
  • Third Place (Bronze) € 1.000

Essay Format

  • Words: 1500 to 3000 (excluding footnotes and any graphics) as PDF or word document
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Language: English
  • Anonymity: Your name must not be included anywhere in the essay


Entries must be produced exclusively by you (no group work) for the specific purpose of this competition, and must not have been published elsewhereOriginality

The essay must be written entirely and exclusively by the participant. The essay must not be written with assistance from tools like Chat-GPT, or any other Generative AI tools or similar software. Entries submitted thus will be disqualified and their authors will not be allowed to participate in the contest again.



Method of Application

Application Deadline: May 31st, 2024.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Website

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